Minister for Equality, Aodhán O’Ríordáin TD, set to open ÁT’s “Realising Equality through Active Participation” event
Áiseanna Tacaíochta (ÁT) is pleased to announce that the Minister for Equality, Aodhán O’Ríordáin TD, will open its upcoming event, Realising Equality through Active Participation, taking place on 3rd December 2014.
Held to mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the event will examine the experience and evolution of Independent Living and Direct Payments for people with disabilities in Ireland, identifying the ways in which the whole of society can come together to secure true inclusion and equality for all.
Minister O’Ríordáin joins an exciting range of speakers who will discuss these hugely important issues, including Madeline Clarke (Genio), Pat Clarke (Chairperson of the Disability Federation of Ireland), Owen Collumb and Martin Naughton (founding members of ÁT), Mark Blake-Knox (Cheshire Ireland) and Michael Doyle (Irish Wheelchair Association). Well-known journalist, researcher and policy analyst, Sara Burke, is also set to chair the event on the day.
Independent Living, and the capacity to lead full, flexible and autonomous lives, is crucial in promoting equality and active citizenship for people with disabilities. The event will offer valuable insights into the challenges and barriers that the pioneers and supporters of the Independent Living movement in Ireland have worked to remove, as well as the strong opportunities created through the innovative new approaches and cohesive action currently being spearheaded by people with disabilities.
On top of delving into the lived experience of disability in Ireland, Realising Equality through Active Participation will highlight the huge differences that new approaches – such as the model of Direct Payments established by ÁT – can make to that experience. As well as Leaders of this model, along with their family members, community networks and supporters, speakers from across society – including Government representatives, social entrepreneurs and members of disability organisations – will also consider their parts and responsibilities in pushing the disability and Independent Living movements forward.
On this day, ÁT aims to bring everyone together to support and empower people with disabilities in being as independent as they can be, enabling them to move away from depending on service providers and to enjoy control of their own lives, just like everyone else.
Attendance for this event is free, but registration is essential: please visit our Eventbrite page at to book your place now.
For more information, please email or call our office on 01 525 0707.