“To live an ordinary life” | Áiseanna Tacaíochta In the News

An article highlighting the work of Áiseanna Tacaíochta (ÁT), written by Sara Burke, appeared in the Medical Independent this week.

Sara chaired our recent conference, Realising Equality through Active Participation (REAP), using this piece to raise some of the key issues and concepts which came up on the day.  Explaining our model of Direct Payments and how speakers shared their experiences of managing their own budgets and services, she wrote that “powerful testaments by the Leaders demonstrated the challenges of doing this but they were unanimous in their verdict that it empowered them and supported them to live ordinary lives”.

The article also points to the fact that the Minister for Equality, Aodhán O’Ríordáin TD, told the conference that a national framework for individualised budgets is in development from Government, although a specific date for its launch or implementation has yet to be confirmed.

To read the article, please click here.

For more information on REAP, please click here.


Image by jesadaphorn used with courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net